2nd NA Seminar

We are pleased to announce that the 2nd NA Seminar will be held as follows. We look forward to receiving your applications. For an overview of the NA system, please refer to the following page:

  Establishment of the National Arbiter System



Date and Time:

  – Seminar: October 20 (Sun), 2024, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM (planned)

  – Exam: October 26 (Sat), 2024, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Venue: Online (via Zoom)

Eligibility: Participants must meet all of the following conditions:

  – At least 16 years old

  – Proficient in Japanese communication

  – Annual member of the Japan Chess Federation (Join here)

  – Holder of a FIDE ID with Japanese chess nationality (For those without a FIDE ID, it will be issued after passing the exam.)

  – Knowledge of basic chess rules and notation

Fee: 10,000 yen (7,000 yen for registered club leaders and vice leaders)

Note: The fee includes a registration fee for NA qualification with FIDE (20 euros). The fee is non-refundable even if the exam is not passed.

Lecturer: FIDE Arbiter Yuki Okabe

Language: Japanese


How to Apply

Application Method: Purchase a ticket on [Peatix] during the application period (Capacity: 30 people)

Application Period: From 6:00 PM on September 3 (Tue), 2024, to 11:59 PM on October 13 (Sun), 2024


Seminar Content

– Role of the Arbiter

– Laws of Chess

– Competition Rules

– Rapid Rules

– Application of Adjournment (Sealed Moves)

– Sudden Death Rules

– Anti-Cheating

– Pairing System

– Rating System

– Tie-Breaks

– Arbiter Titles


NA Qualification Requirements

Participants must score 80 points or higher (out of 100) on the exam after attending the seminar.


Refresh Seminar Information (For NA Qualification Holders)

If more than two years have passed since obtaining the NA qualification, and you meet any of the following conditions:

– Have not performed arbiter duties at a tournament organized by the federation or a registered club within the last two years

– Have not attended an NA seminar within the last two years

– Have become a non-member of the federation

you will be given “Inactive” status.


“Active” status is required to serve as Chief Arbiter in certain national tournaments and FIDE-rated tournaments.


Inactive arbiters can regain “Active” status by attending an NA seminar to update their knowledge. This is called a Refresh Seminar.

You do not need to take the exam to reactivate your status. Although you may take the exam, it will not be graded.


Eligibility: Must be an annual member of the Japan Chess Federation and hold an arbiter qualification of NA or higher (chess nationality is not required)

Fee: 5,000 yen (3,500 yen for registered club leaders and vice leaders)

Capacity: No limit

How to Apply: Purchase a corresponding ticket on the aforementioned Peatix page.