
Bylaws (3rd Edition)


  • The name of the organization shall be the National Chess Society of Japan (NCS).
  • NCS belongs to the world chess organization, FIDE.
  • NCS is responsible for following the rules of FIDE and paying the membership fee to FIDE.


  • NCS aims to promote chess in Japan.
  • In order to promote chess in Japan, NCS:
    – shall host chess tournaments in Japan and shall help member clubs with their tournaments.
    – shall select members for the Chess Olympiad and other FIDE international tournaments.
    – shall organize other events


  • Membership in NCS shall be open to all people not excluding people from outside of Japan.
  • NCS also reserves the right to refuse membership without providing a reason.
  • Members are required to provide the following information to NCS:
    Name, Address, Email address, Gender, Date of Birth, Phone number, and FIDE ID if applicable.
  • Members are also required to provide up-to-date information by emailing or contacting NCS should any changes occur.
  • Members are required to pay the membership fee. There are two types of membership fees: annual and in-tournament.
  • Annual membership fees:
    1. Adults: 6300yen
    2. U23: 4200yen
    3. U19: 3200yen
    4. U15: 2200yen
  • In-tournament fees:
    1. Adults: 2200yen
    2. U18: 1200yen
  •  If you become a member before the 26th of a month, your membership starts from that month. If you join between the 26th and the end of the month, the membership starts from the 1st of the following month and it is good for 12 months. The in-tournament membership is good for that specific tournament only and can not be used for the selection of official players of international tournaments, Japan National Chess Championship, or any other qualifying tournaments.
  • Member benefits:
    1. Members can play at any NCS tournaments
    2. Members can apply for a FIDE ID under Japan chess federation and play internationally (some rules apply)
    3. Members receive an NCS rating which is updated regularly
    4. Members have full access to NCS Letter published regularly on the website
    5. Members have the opportunity to qualify to play at FIDE events as official players including the Olympiad


  • Members may terminate their membership anytime by reporting to NCS.
  • Members may lose their membership or NCS may refuse members from participating in tournaments for the following reasons:
    1. Breaking any of the rules stated in these bylaws
    2. Cheating at tournaments or if caught trying to cheat
    3. Breaking any laws
  • NCS is required to give notice of membership forfeiture to the said member and also give said member the chance to appeal.
  • Members may lose the right to participate in any tournaments held in Japan if they fail to pay the membership fee.
  • NCS reserves the right to refuse entry without providing a reason.
  • NCS is not required to return any fees back to members who have violated these bylaws or if members are deceased.


  •  Registration
    1. Any member can start an NCS chess club, as long as there is a leader and one more annual member
  •  Fees
    1. Club registration fee: 3000yen
    2. Qualifying tournament registration fee: 8000yen
  • Benefits
    1. NCS clubs can host tournaments throughout the year including FIDE-rated tournaments (FIDE Tournament regulations must be met)
    2. NCS will list and promote club tournaments on the website
    3. Eligibility to host Japan Championship qualifying tournament (The tournament director (TD) and any of the organising members must be members of NCS. A non-NCS member can not be the TD for any of the qualifying tournaments)
    4. Discount for Team Chess Championship
  • Club information
    1. NCS may ask a new club to change its name if there are any conflicts with already registered club names
    2. Clubs are responsible for running their tournaments under NCS regulations and also responsible for dealing with any problems that may occur within the clubs or at their tournaments

6. NCS Rating System


  • NCS will do its best to maintain member confidentiality and only use personal information in the running of NCS and not for any other commercial purposes.
  • Members agree to the use of their name, results, rating and photography in the normal course of publishing tournament information and results.


These 3rd Edition of Bylaws are effective as of February 14th 2022.

Note: This English version is for reference purposes only. The Japanese version of this bylaw shall prevail.



  • National Chess Society of Japan Bylaws (3rd Edition) [Japanese ver.]