FIDE World Cup Special Page

Let’s root for Japan in






Did you know there is a World Cup in Chess?

Japan joins the World Cup held this July for the first time ever

What is the World Cup? Who represents Japan?

Japan Chess Federation supports all Japanese Chess Players who participates in international tournaments



Q:What is the World Cup in Chess?


World Cup in chess is hosted by International Chess Federation (FIDE) and its official name is “FIDE World Cup”. Held every other year, this tournament is a knock-out tournament, and is separated into the Open Section and the Women’s Section. The 10th tournament, held this year, has a prize pool of 2.5 million dollars, which amounts to about 360 million Japanese Yen. This is the largest prize pool of any chess event in the world, and chess stars gather to fight over the prize in this event.


FIDE World Cup 2023 Official Website


Q:Where and when will this event be held?


It will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan from July 29th, 2023 to August 25th.

The venue is the Marriott Hotel Boulevard, which will host the Opening ceremony on July 29th and every game from July 30th.


Baku’s spectacular Cityscape  


Q:Who will represent Japan?

206 players will take part in the Open Section and 103 in Women’s Section in the 2023 Baku World Cup.

Amongst the world’s top players, Japan’s representative in the Open Section will be CM* Tran Thanh Tu, a.k.a. “Tu-san”. He is from Vietnam, and has a Japanese Chess ID. He attracts many fans with his unique, out-of-the-box playing style and his charming smile.

Japan earned the opportunity to participate in the World Cup upon the results of the FIDE Chess Olympiad, held in 2022. With full effort from every player in the national team, Japan earned the 71st spot of the 71 berths dedicated for the World Cup. Players competed over the spot of the Japan representation in the 2023 Japan Chess Championship, and Tu-san won the ticket to the World Cup.


One of the titles FIDE awards players upon their skills, and is the abbreviation for “Candidate Master”



We have received the message from CM Tran Thanh Tu, who will compete for Japan in the World Cup.

Dear chess fans in Japan, 

I am writing to you today to ask for your support as I prepare to participate in the upcoming FIDE World Chess Cup, starting from July 29th. 

This is the first time not only for me but also for Japan, to be qualified for the World Cup, and I am incredibly excited for the opportunity.

We have never come this close to the Candidates Tournament* before, but earlier this year we saw the JPN flag in the leaderboard of FIDE Circuit**, and we are about to see it again in the World Cup bracket. Although winning a spot for the Candidates Tournament is next to impossible, we have seen the path and we have taken some baby steps.

 I know that I will face some of the best chess players in the world, but I am confident that I can compete with them. I have been training hard for this moment, and I am ready to give it my all. I will always play for the beauty of the game, the supporters and my Olympiad teammates. 

You can show your support by watching my games, spreading the words on social media, and most importantly, playing chess yourself and encouraging your friends and family, especially your children to play as well. Your support means the world to me, and it will help me to perform at my best. 

Thank you very much for your support.”

*FIDE Candidates Chess Tournament

A tournament to decide the challenger against the reigning World Chess Champion

**FIDE Circuit 

A series of international chess tournaments held by FIDE. Participants of each tournament will earn points according to their performances, and the player who collected the most points in 2023 will earn a spot in the Candidates Tournament.

Tu-san has played in the top board for the Japan Open Team in FIDE Chess Olympiad 2022, and have won points against Grandmasters, the strongest players in the world. We can’t wait for his performance in the World Cup!



We can see the Real-time Board in and Chess24. There will be live broadcast in YouTube.

In this Webpage, we will update the links to these platforms, and announce them in Twitter, so please keep up with the latest news!


Let’s support our representative, and make steps for participating in the future!