Overview Date: 12/26(Sat)-27(Sun) Venue: Bunkyo-kumin-centre Time control: 60min+30sec/move (NCS rated). 6R Swiss Details are to be…
Category: Tournament Info
Asia Pacific Championship U16 on lichess platform
Organized by The Chess Academy in Hong Kong. – Who can join? Every chess school or…
Asian Online Nations Cup 2020 Team Japan
Results ■Open ■Women Team Japan Members [OPEN] OPEN board 1 CM Tran Thanh Tu 2346 OPEN board…
Asian Online Nations Cup
We invite you to join the Asian Online Nations Cup 10-25 October 2020. Attached are regulations.…
2020 Naniwa Open
2020 Naniwa Open Chess Tournament The tournament is finished. 2020浪速 Dates/ Venue December 5th, 6th Naniwa…
NCS Rapid Online Championship 2020
Announcement for the NCS Rapid Online Championship Following in the success of the popular Rapid…
Online Tournament Information
Here are some online tournaments information that NCS received. 1. FA Pavan Rathi’s tournaments: (some are…
FIDE Online Chess Olympiad 2020 Team Japan
Final Result Team Japan finished 8th in Division 3. Leading up to the Olympiad, 7 members…
Japan Women’s Chess Championship 2020 CANCELLED
2nd Miyoko Watai Memorial Because of the recent increase in number of infections of the Coronavirus…
FIDE Online Chess Olympiad (E)
We have a team from Japan competing in this new event organized by FIDE! http://chess-results.com/tnr530706.aspx Online…
Japan Chess Classic 2020
Results Results of the Japan Chess Classic Chess-Results.com Regulations (Summary) Dates/Venue: July 23rd-26th / Shinagawa Ward…
Online tournaments by FIDE
Asian Seniors Chess Championship Online at Chess.comRegulation Asian Seniors Online Championships 2020
NCS Rapid Online League
Summary NCS Rapid Online League 5 Round – Swiss Tournament on Lichess.org Time control: 15min + 10sec/move…
lichess.org online chess tournaments
NCS Online Tournaments With the worldwide spread of Coronavirus, most gatherings like races and tournaments have…
Postponement of 2020 Japan Chess Championship
To our qualified players for Japan Chess Championship this year, Based on the uncertainties around COVID-19…
Japan Chess Championship 2020
Nagoya Rapid Tournament
This tournament has been postponed until further notice due to Covid-19.
Ozaka Natsu no Jin – FIDE-rated. (Summer Battle in Osaka)
An NCS and FIDE rated tournament organized by Abeno Chess Club in Osaka in August. Contact…
Nagoya Chess Club “Tokai Open 2020” – August 30th
Tokai Open is now rescheduled to be held on August 30th. Postponement or cancellation may occur…
2nd CHESS Tournament of Zwinger-Palace in ARITA Porcelain-Park
How about playing some chess using beautiful porcelain chess pieces in Arita? This is not an…